menurut nasehat bahasa Inggris
- did one's bidding
- did the bidding of
- do bidding
- do one's bidding
- do the bidding of
- doing one's bidding
- doing the bidding of
- done one's bidding
- done the bidding of
- menurut: according; according to; come my opinion; follow;
- nasehat: word to the wise; advise; suggestion; counsel;
- nasehat: word to the wise; advise; suggestion; counsel; teaching; consultation; recommendation; teachings; advice; admonition; exhortation
- meminta nasehat: draw a moral from; drawing a moral from; drawn a moral from; drew a moral from
- mendapat nasehat: well-advised
- mendengarkan nasehat: hear reason; heard reason; hearing reason
- menerima nasehat: listening to reason
- menuruti nasehat: follow advice
- minta nasehat: laid before; lay before; laying before
- nasehat hukum: legal advice
- turut nasehat: act on advice; acted on advice; acting on advice
- bersedia menerima nasehat: amenable
- masih mau mendengar nasehat: not above asking advice
- nasehat yang tepat pada waktunya: a word in season
- menurut: according; according to; come my opinion; follow; obedient; pursuant to; terminological; toe the line (mark); by; docilely; accede; adjust; abide by; observant; defer; meek; biddable; go; obey; comp